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All Things to Know About Root Canal Therapy

Dental issues are inextricably linked to our general health.

The longer you put off certain dental treatments, the more likely they cause other health issues. One of the procedures that people tend to avoid is root canal treatment.

People are afraid of having root canal therapy since they are unfamiliar with the process. In this blog, we'll talk about root canal therapy. It can be an intimidating process, but the benefits of root canal therapy outweigh the worries and the cost. Keep reading and learn more.

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

When you experience significant tooth enamel decay, root canal therapy is required. You develop a cavity when the enamel erodes, but if the cavity deepens and spreads to the tooth pulp, you will require root canal therapy.

Some typical symptoms of a root canal infection include severe pain while chewing, pressure on the tooth, sensitivity to temperature, gum swelling, and general tooth pain. The goal of the treatment is to remove and replace the infected pulp. If you leave it to worsen, the decay will reach the bone and surrounding teeth, leading to complications.

The Root Canal Process

Many people believe root canal therapy is extremely painful, which is why they are reluctant to have the treatment; however, it's a relatively pain-free process.

First, the dentist drills a small hole in the tooth and removes the dead and decayed pulp tissue. They'll then clean and irrigate the hollowed-out tooth, which will be filled with a rubber-like material and sealed with cement.

At this point, because the nerves have been removed, there will be no more pain. In the final step, the dentist will place a crown or filling on the tooth.

The entire process usually takes about 90 minutes, though some procedures are more complicated and may take longer.

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

The main benefit of getting root canal therapy is that you prevent tooth loss due to decay. A completed procedure stops the decay from reaching the surrounding teeth, which prevents things like jaw bone decay and many of the issues that arise with untreated dental issues.

It usually takes a week for the teeth to heal after root canal therapy.

Visit Northland Village Dental Centre for Root Canal in NW Calgary

Now that you know a bit more about the root canal process, you can see that there's nothing to be afraid of. As long as you're proactive about your dental issues, a root canal can be a painless routine procedure.

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